Although this is not a fair comparison as the former is just a page out of a magazine while the latter is a double spread.
Here I broke the convention by having illustrations in the background and pictures only at the key moments of the experiment's explanation( the materials required ). The pictures in the left side represent how the general set up would work and clarifies any doubts the reader has about the experiment.
The text in the former( the magazine page ) is only there to give the reader awareness of the subject matter rather than present it to them. It serves the same purpose as a news paper article which solely exists to give the reader the information in the cheapest and most easily accessible manner and make them aware of the current situation the human society is in.
Thus, I reiterate that all content creators and publishers like magazines have to keep in mind and target the photographic memory of the viewer/reader rather than using complicated fancy words that will just cross right from one side of their mind to another until they forget or even ignore them entirely. Powerful visuals are the modern day sugar cubes that people look for, and cultivate.
The conventions that I intend to follow include column pattern, and text-wrapping around pictures. The invisible margins/borders and overall spacing are aspects that I will bend, but not break.
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