Translating one language to another is indeed a difficult but , anything is possible if it's fun!!
Since , this was the first time I had done subtitling it was very exciting.So looking at the the character's face and emotion I phrased the sentences , sometimes even if it was just fine as a raw translation.I was also adding subtitles for beams and blasts like "BAM!BAM!BAM!".I had a lot of fun doing and was smiling like a child!!😄  I went to pick my sister up from her class , but when I came back the computer was off and I got mad at my maid for doing it.Then , she told me it wasn't her doing there was a power cut.I was so mad that I could blow up a planet and be fine with it!!!!Then I told myself to cool my head off as I remembered a certain character's words.Then i laughed as I realized how much the series had made an impact...

FUN FACT: When I told my mom about it, she was angry at the people who cut the power!But then I asked her to chill as they had to do maintenance.

With the help of subtitling, many films and television series have a global audience.One can say it is an old fashioned way of just typing the translation of the language in the series in the needed language and timing them to appear under the scenes where that dialogue or sequence happens.But, is subtitling better or is dubbing better.Even though I am not saying that dubbing is bad , there is still the undisputed fact that due to the lore,jokes or references made in the film or T.V series made in one language , there are facts which can not be translated verbally, especially due to the time constraint or the duration of the episode or mouth flaps .This problem can be solved in the subbed version by giving meaning and the reference of jokes,puns.etc

Don't get me wrong I loved subbing the episode and adding my onomatopoeia of the beams being fired and specific character traits.( During subbing I wanted to, through onomatopoeia subtitles show that the video the audience were watching was dragon ball just like how they do it in the manga.)
But if I or any other person had not subbed it,it would have not been understood by a large audience.
I would like to get another chance at subbing episodes and also telling the story through subtitles !!!

Thank you and have a nice day !!!


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