My take on camera shots
Hello everyone ! Today , I am going to talk about camera shots which are used in filming.😄
1) Wide shot- subjects takes up full frame .
( depending on the physique take from down or up )
2) Medium close up shot - A camera shot generally , taken above chest to show face clearly.
3) Cut away- A shot of something other than the subject or main action.
4) extreme close up shot - to focus on where the subject is seeing / moving and , which part of the the body .
8 )P.O.V( point of view )- the viewer sees the scene in the subject's perspective and eyes.
9) Mid shot - scene where torso of the subjects are in focus to show emphasis on the conversation
10 ) Cut in - close up shot of something related to the scene
13 ) Mid shot- taking a camera shot of the torso of the subject.
During my experience , I strictly followed the notes which I wrote during class ,
but while I was taking the shots I automatically looked at what would be an apt background for the shot.So , I learnt that even if you stick to the notes you end up being creative as the final outcome is a visual.From the time , I wrote this blog I have been able to widen my knowledge about media studies,
so when I write my blog now days I tend to be free and creative in conveying information while also being structured.
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