My take on camera angles

1) Canted angles - angle to show instability
 2) Low angle - Angle to show subject big.
 2) High angle - A angle giving a comfortable high view .
 3) Worm's eye- Shows the subject in dominating view .
4) Bird's eye view - Angle giving view that , viewer is observing from the sky.

During preparation for these angels, I ended up exploring my house in the creative way after a very long time( I think the last time I did that was at the age of 10 and now I'm 15 ). As you can see , I've used my Pickachu figurine as my subject. I chose it as my subject because it was small, well made and would look cool on screen from different angles.( As it has been shown in the Pokemon anime )

Especially in the last angle I had fun gathering the bed sheets and cushions and other items to create something that resembles a scenery.


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