Why your protagonist ( your main character) in your story ends up being similar to the super hero or character you most admire in another series...

When writing fiction, it is most common that your mc turns out to be similar to your favourite super hero .This is because that favourite super hero has the qualities you acknowledge or is ideal to you.
This is a problem that most authors/ comic book artists face as indirectly the chatacter they create end up being a character they admire , drawn differently or in different  situations.This is why we must come to terms with the fact that actually nothing is new , and everything is just a hybrid of old things ( successfull or not ) and the writer of the story just shuffles the genere ( like taking something from an old movie and putting it in his book or comic ) and thinks up different ways to change the character's personality to resemble his, his audience's , his friend's ideology.

Actually , now that I think about it the creator of the series is like the god of the series, that is why we can make friends with people who can come to terms our ideals even if they are from different proffesions , yes because there are people like you every where !

That's why the saying " you vs the world " doesn't have meaning as there are people similar to us everywhere!!!!


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