magazine preliminary Task

 This assignment was a test for the actual magazine task and where I learnt what are the things I should keep in mind for the actual version.
I also listed the things that I forgot to add or could not achieve.                                                                                                                                         
I successfully made a cover and a contents page for the magazine, although I feel that I did a good job on the cover,
I feel that I did not do a neat job on the contents page.
There also things that I left out in the cover like date and publisher( which did not know what to put as it is not an official magazine )
I left out the price purposely as prices tend to be on the back cover along with a bar code and the price we see in the front is only
a sticker placed by the shopkeeper or your seller and it is market price not the actual price .
But I decided that the color scheme was going to be dark including characters in silhouette which gives a sense of
 thrill, but if every character was silhoutte then people will not be interested as only if you know the rough idea of a
 character design they will know if other characters will look good and if it is to their liking. 


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