magazine analysis 2

Today the magazine I am analyzing is "NEW SCIENTIST".
The cover page of this magazine consists of a black background with a picture of the earth being struck by an arrow.I feel this is to represent the factors harming the earth, which fits with the theme
The cover is also has information on the articles available in the magazine.
In terms of color scheme as I mentioned earlier  that the background color is black, and the color of the outline of the Earth and  the continents on the Earth is gold in color.
As for the text the font color is gold for headings and white for sub-headings.
On the top left corner of the cover, the magazine name is typed in white color bold letters under which, it reads "WEEKLY 26 October 2019 ". The special issue of the magazine is "THE INTERNET AT 50 WHAT NEXT FOR HUMANITY 'S NEXT FLAWED MASTER PIECE ?'"
What the title  means is that the internet has had it's 50th anniversary and it talks about how the internet might be in the future.

The  contents page/index gives us the topics discussed in the magazine and a brief description on them. The topics are divided
On the cover
The back pages

other  than these they had a separate corner on the right for the issues  coming the following week.
The headings were typed in stone grey color the sub- headings in bold black and important factors to be conveyed along with the respective number of contents were typed in orange colored font ( Note that all other things were typed in normal/ default font.)

The double spread topic is"Small Wonders" which talks about the picture of a turtle created by Teresa Zgoda and Teresa Kugler from the US using stereo-microscopy and fluorescence to take hundreds of colourful photographs of the different layers of this embryo, then patiently put them together to form the complete image of a turtle which can rarely be a truer/complete image of the turtle than at the microscopic scale, where even familiar forms turn into something alien. This has won them the 2019 Nikon Small World photo-micrography competition.The image that came 9th  subverts the idea of the beauty of flowers. In terms of layout the double spread of the magazine keeps it very simple and does not go to make the extra effort to make it layout-wise better. What they could have done to make it better is the arrangement of the text! If they place the text relevant to the image under the image, then it would provide more clarity and look better design-wise.Otherwise everything about the article, it will look better and they have explained properly about the significance of their work and it might be a contribution to making digital photography and software more important in the near future to fully explain the biology of creatures.


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