Magazine analysis of content pages/index of science magazines.

In my magazine analysis, I interestingly found that science-related magazines were the only magazines that have had a history separate from all other magazine genre.
The notable fact is that all science related magazines in the past have had hardly any visual representation in the contents page compared to all the other genre magazines during the same timeline.And why I think this happened is because back then science, history, geography were all subjects considered study and information based subjects to talk about so even inside the magazine there were only schematic diagrams to represent things as well as portraits of the scientists.Even the travel magazines back then had rich content along with artist's painting of the the place and culinary.etc.But when technology arrived with digital art and photography along with better computers everything became better for magazines,  but the science magazine now with the influence of technology became the most colorful and vibrant magazine with nice fonts and easy explanations.This was a huge leap!

The people who had any connection to science earlier were people who used to go bonkers studying
 formula after formula and were practical, knowledgeable, heavy readers and bookish people.
They had to go through a lot of problems to overcome science and finally reach their career.
So, back then any thing related to science especially a magazine was most often avoided by common people and the only knowledge other people had about science was from school.

The digital media platform revolutionized  science and made it more approachable for people of other backgrounds.This in turn made the magazines also more approachable and now everyone knows and are interested in at least a few science facts and are using science more in their day to day life.
With reference to image 1, we can say that the text is clear and the colored font helps to attract the reader to the text, and along with the image brings to the readers attention what the place looks like. On the other hand, the magazines which were sold in the earlier days would definitely have not given the reader so much clarity on the subject and they would have had to gather information from other sources if they wanted to know more.

With reference to image 2, we can say that the textual approach has completely died down and depending upon the publisher and the content maker, the style can lean more towards the visual or more towards the textual. 

With reference to image 3, another way magazines can create layouts is by placing a single large image and  have little text explaining the place. Typically we can assure that readers are more interested in reading a page of this layout as they are not overwhelmed with text.

As for my magazine, I intend to go with something like image 1 as it would provide a better idea of what individual content they will have in the magazine. this would also better as my audience are of  a young age and it would help them identify the content better ad would also help them get back to the topic if they are revisiting it and by this I am referring to a case where the reader has already finished reading and wants to go back to it he will have a better chance at finding the page again through photographic memory of the image with the content than only textual content.

With the I conclude my analysis for today!   


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