Expectations for the Ford v.Ferrari movie

Hello everyone, today I am here to speak to about the movie I am going to watch tomorrow Ford v.Ferrari(if you have not guessed from the title !)
I am a huge fan of technology and anything to do with electronics,engines and construction.
-This my first expectation from this movie is to show to detail construction process and build up of the engines of  the cars and the framework.etc

-I want the characters to feel real and not just have complete control of the car and act like kike they were born with the car.(i.e I want the drivers and constructors to have a deep understanding with the car and genuinely care about the car.)

-I want them to emphasize how much work the constructors of the car put, to making the car safe and compete with the other!

-I do not want the story to heavily rely on the emotional factor of family if there is any(as a lot of movies tend to have them and use them when they have weak story lines)

Those are my expectations, let's hope I enjoy the movie!!


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