What are or what is "manga" and what is "anime"?(and related topics)
Developed in Japan in the late 19th century, manga is an art form which exist as graphic novels as well as digital comics.They are written in Japanese and illustrated by artists who either themselves are the story writers or pair up with story writers to write and illustrate manga.Manga are art and illustration heavy comic books which are a medium popular globally and as a fact 35% of French comic books are taken up by manga.
As for the reasons why manga is so popular, it is presented below:
1) The medium allows an extreme amount of freedom in terms of content being produced thus attracts a lot of people from the creative industry and gives content to every kind of individual that you can possibly find.The only down factor faced by the illustrators and writers is that only popular content sells and that depending upon the book sales they get paid respectively.
2)The medium is very attractive to artists who are otherwise only given time to shine either by exhibitions and art gallery. Thus, it is the combination of the best of the best and the whakiest of ideas and is supervised by an editorial and publishing company called
The medium is traditionally done in ink and paper, but the digital media is also getting popular.
The use color is rare and is only used when the issue is special, digital artists online along with translators have redrawn and colored the manga with the correct colors of the character, but the colored version comes out a few months later than that of the normally translated black and white version.

Anime is the animated form of the highly illustrative and story heavy manga without compensating the detail of the art. An anime uses the many interesting camera movements , digital photography for reference and hand drawn pages that were earlier painted now digitally colored.They are mainly 2D animation focused but include bits of CG and 3D animation when required.The top anime producing companies are:
A-1 pictures
Toei animation
Studio Bones
Studio Ghibli
Production I.G
Kyoto animation (kyo-ani)
Animation companies, the publisher and mangaka(manga artists) are in a contract the comes forth after the said mangaka's manga is popular.Thus every year there are some anime that pause or end anime that just continue.

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