Photographing the science experiment

The trouble with an experiment is that first you have to conduct the experiment after which you have to try and photograph and capture the moment when the water is flowing through a tube or when a chemical is reacting. etc.

The experiment was tested out by my grandfather and myself before the actual photo shoot for which my father also helped.
So while I was photographing the experiment I had to figure out the timings to which my father and grandfather would start and finish the experiment.

I also learned to adjust the lens to capture the photo and tried out different light and dark settings for enhancing the photos.
I also took photographs of the different material required for the experiment with my background as grass.
A previous attempt at conducting the experiment out in the open failed as
Number 1 my set up was wrong and I could not think straight in afternoon sun
Number 2 There were many insects around me and I could not stay still and focus for taking photographs.


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