As you can see the majority of the text is not visible and even some of the pictures are masked by the big picture in the background. Although the layout is fine the content is too much for this layout and decreasing the text size should have been the right choice but it is barely visible.
These are the best of the pictures I took for the siphoning experiment. The problem is that all my pictures look flat in comparison to my art and do not look a part of the layout in the first attempt of the double spread and this is solved by changing the layout for the second attempt. But my contents page suffers the most from the aforementioned blend between art and pictures, and
removing the art will destroy the effect that I wanted to convey of how the design, layout and illustration play a big part in how the reader is interested in said content.
I was able to change the contents page and make it less cluttered.
I changed the over all layout from A4 to landscape to facilitate for space. I added texture to the now more subdued yellow to not allow the background to remain flat.
Finally I have applied the Z pattern to the topics for the reader to efficiently read through the topics a
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